The first modern dog show, on 28–29 June 1859 in Newcastle-upon-Tyne, was an added attraction to the annual cattle show. Its country character was clear, as only setters and pointers – sporting breeds – were shown and the prizes were guns. It was a low key start to what would be, by the end of the century, a hugely popular pastime, with dog owning fashionable among all classes of society, and which had huge implications for canine breeding.
The first show to include non‑sporting breeds was held in Birmingham later in 1859 and was such a success that a year later, the Birmingham Dog Show Society ran the first National Dog Show, for which there were 267 entries, with 30 breeds, judged in 42 classes. The main organizer was Richard Brailsford, a gamekeeper on the Knowsley estate of the Earl of Derby.
And this is what dog shows looked like from the early 20th century.
A judge evaluates the contestants at a dog show in London, 1909 |
An Old English Sheepdog is examined by a judge at the Championshp Show of Old English Sheepdogs at Aldridge, St. Martin’s Lane, 1913 |
Mrs. Langton Dennis with her prize dog at the Pomeranian Dog Show, 1913 |
Ivy Lord with her second prize winning Pekingese at Cruft’s Dog Show, 1924 |
An exhibitor sprays her dog before going into the ring at the Championship Dog Show in London, 1925 |
Rambling Gold makes a world record high jump of 12 feet and 2 inches, 1925 |
George Spinney with his Bulldog at the Middlesex Hospital Open Championship Dog Show, 1926 |
Winning Dalmatians sit proudly on their chairs at a dog show in Hyde Park, London, 1927 |
42-time first prize winner Beauty the Bulldog arrives at the London Bulldog Society Championship Show with its owner, 1928 |
A Standard Poodle celebrates after winning first prize at a dog show in Berlin, 1928 |
Jean Hopwood with her dog Blewburton Birinis at the Ladies Kennel Club Show in London, 1928 |
Three Pekingese dogs — Szechuan, Humming Bee and Hsusa — winners of the first prize at the Sleeve Dog Association Ribbon Show are exhibited at the Prince’s Hotel inc London, 1928 |
Faymor Angela, believed to be one of the smallest dogs in England, and the smallest entrant in the Pekin Palace Dog Show, 1929 |
Miss M. Tucker on her way to a dog show in Tunbridge-Wells, Kent, with her two Old English Sheepdogs Watcher’s Jim and Tenet Peter, 1929 |
Mrs R.A. Hopwood with her dogs at the French Open Bulldog Show in London, 1929 |
Mrs. V. McCall-Smith’s litter at the Pekin Palace Dog Show, 1929 |
The parade for the fancy dress competition at the Comic Dog Show, held at the Kennels Purley to benefit Purley Church, 1929 |
Three Dalmatians and their happy owner after they won the first prize at the London Dog Show, 1929 |
A party of prize winning Sealyham Terriers at the Cruft’s Dog Show in London, 1930 |
Pierrot of St. Margaret’s examines his reflection at the Griffon Bruxellois Dog Show in London, 1930 |
Terriers are primped for a dog show in New York City, 1933 |
H.S. Lloyd receives a trophy for his Springer Spaniel, Exquisite Model Of Ware, who was named 'Champion of Champions' at the Cruft’s Dog Show, 1938 |