When there was no internet, tablets or video games, this was the way children in the past found joy, beautiful childhood memories


Internet is truly a great telecommunication revolution to change the lives of people. It helps to connect us closer together, so of course it's good for us, but with kids, not sure ...

Here are some lovely vintage photos of children activities before the internet.

Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past


Everyday Life of Children in the Past

(Photos from Steve Given)