Final Days of the 'Worst Slum in Britain': A Look at Greater Manchester in the 1970s


A series of images taken of a forgotten slum estate in Greater Manchester capture a community surviving in squalid conditions as late as the mid 1970s.


Slum housing in Lower Broughton, Salford. 1974


The startling images were taken from ITN news reports


Bricked up homes waiting for demolition
The reports highlighted the squalid conditions people were still living in




The reports were filmed on the streets of Lower Broughton in Salford


Children playing with a tricycle in a back alleyway
Around 1,000 of the homes were still occupied


The playing areas were filled with construction debris
Pealing wallpaper caused by damp
Basic living conditions


The Stanton family had to live with a kitchen with large holes in the floor
Children playing in the street outside a doorway


The piles of bricks and mortar became the playgrounds
With streets left resembling a demolition site
But without any alternative families were forced to stay


Rubbish strewn alleyway
71-year Annie Skear's still lived in her home despite numerous health problems


The 71-year old told the reporter her home was infested with rats


Secretary of the tenants group, Miss Lilian Bowers (left) speaking to a neighbour


Collecting signatures to send to the Prime Minister to conduct an independent inquiry into Salford's housing problem

Do these awaken any memories for you? Let us know in the comments section below.